Tasha Romanelli Episode

In the latest episode of the Empowerography Podcast, my guest is Tasha Romanelli. Tasha is an intuitive healer based here in Toronto. In this episode we discuss clairvoyance and the claires, self love, letting your freak flag fly, aliens, standing in your power and coming back home to self.


Who is Tasha Romanelli

Tasha is an intuitive energy healer, with the gift to see and feel energy.

To put it plainly, she’s a clairvoyant.

With ones permission she lifts the physical veil and sees and feels your energy. Pin pointing areas within your body and mind that have energetic blockages likely due to emotional trauma and pre-programming.

It is through her practical training as a Reiki Master and certified meditation teacher that she can help you remove those energetic blocks. Doing so in a way that you can relate to, connect with and embody. So you can fully step into your higher self, raising your vibes to a whole new level.

Tasha’s path wasn’t always clear for her. Since childhood she buried her gifts and talents for the fear of being judged and ridiculed. No stranger to being called a weirdo, crazy and a freak, she hid behind her innate gifts.

It wasn’t until she became a mother that she knew she had to live out her truth and quit her 6 figure career as an awarding winning art director and set out on her spiritual journey.

Choosing the path of courage over fear she is now letting the world know who she is unapologetically. Embracing her freak and redefining the word as we know it, in hopes to inspire her own children and others along the way.

Website: http://www.energyiseverything.ca

IG: http://www.instagram.com/Iam_tasharomanelli